Season to Season
May – It’s salad time!
Tom Mehren / May 2014
It’s been a long winter and with May here, the “In Season” grid is lit up like a Christmas tree in spring!
Here in the Northwest we can retire our cold month diet of kale, green beans and chard, and start enjoying the wonderful flavors of this fantastic region. The ride begins now and goes on into the fall. For May, here’s what’s going on locally….

Looking for cheese? — All this talk about salad has me thinking about what kind of cheese to use. There are two in the Northwest I just can’t get enough of….
I also love the cheeses that come out of Dayton, Washington, from the Monteillet creamery. I’m a real stinker about goat cheese. It can’t be stinky! If it tastes like a petting zoo, keep it away from me. I’ve found that the higher-end goat cheeses are smooth sans the stinky.
For Monteillet, their cheeses are seasonal. The deal is they spend the better part of winter birthing and weaning their younger goats who are now just starting to produce milk. In addition, a number of their aged cheeses made last year are just coming to market now.
The trick with Monteillet is you can’t buy their cheeses in the Puget Sound. You’ll need to make the drive to Dayton to get it. No problem. With the Walla Walla sweets coming in June, you’ll want to make an epicurean road trip out east anyway!
Read Tom Mehren’s Seattle Dining article in its entirety here>>